Learning by doing
Plastic Whale is a private company and a separate foundation. The Plastic Whale Foundation develops educational programs for primary schools and organizes cool Cleanups for kids.
The Plastic Whale Foundation is committed to taking action for plastic free land & sea, with as many kids as possible. With our super fun educational programs, we make children aware of the growing problem of the plastic soup and encourage them to take action for our mission.
By going plastic fishing or plastic hunting in the school surroundings, kids immediately experience how fun it is to start DOING. Afterwards, their view on plastic has been changed forever; they see the material as a valuable raw material with which you can make beautiful new products.
How can I help?
The Plastic Whale Foundation, has already enabled 500 school classes and nearly 13.000 school kids to go plastic fishing or plastic hunting. Kids see up close how much waste ends up in nature and understand immediately that it does not belong there! If you know any school teachers, please tell them about us! Plastic fishing and plastic hunting is free for group 7 & 8, we charge a discounted fee for secondary schools and college/university students.
The Plastic Whale Foundation depends on grants and donations from both individuals and funds. We use these grants and donations to develop our school programs and to organize free plastic fishing and plastic hunting events for schools. During these events, we not only remove plastic from nature, but also increase awareness about the plastic problem and create a sustainable change in behavior.
Awesome if you want to support our Foundation! You can donate easily and safely on the Plastic Whale Foundation website. You can also read more here about recurring donations, about collecting recycling deposits and how you can support us if you are a company.